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Please go to to my new site to book a healing or email me.




Tarot Spirit Ceremony $450

This is a very special ceremony where I consult the tarot spirits who reside in your birth chart and discuss matters of most importance to you. I work on your entire chart and open up a sacred circle which allows the tarot spirits in your chart to speak with each other and me, openly to resolve conflict. I am do this ceremony in private. I will let you know the day I am doing the ceremony. I will also provide with you a written and audio account of what took place within your personalized ceremony: what came up, what was cleared or re-organized, and the gifts and blessings which came forward as a result.


Find Your Inner Compass for the Next 12 Months $350

Luna Flow is a class like no other. We take your birth chart and look at it through a lunar lens (which is the hidden backseat driver of your life!). Then we follow the year as it pertains to YOUR chart finding tarot cards and affirmations to align with your overall values and intentions. It takes a few minutes to get oriented but even the newest newbies to astrology pick up this system fast. And it has changed people’s lives making them more steady and fearless throughout the year. It helps us handle the unknown with a bit more guff.

A dangerous practice (in my mind) is to dabble on the internet reading astrology blogs and headlines without considering the mind state, biases, or intelligence of the writers or YouTubers. A lot of people out there want clicks, and they want to shock and perhaps even spread a bit of chaos. A lot of people out there are afraid, or just making shit up. For years I saw this with other internet writers and speakers, until I learned astrology for myself and now ignore the noise.

One thing to remember:

You have the power. You have the power in your own life and the colour and shape of that power is laid out in your birth chart. We can take back control of our own narrative and for me that was about getting a handle on my moon…as our moons symbolize our inner narrative. What are the feelings, tones, and moods that shape the stories you tell yourself in your head? Are they healthy and supportive? Or are they critical and crushing? Do you even know? Are you even aware that you can change that inner feeling tone?

Beginning to track the moon with our birth chart, starts to give us more agency with how our lives unfold. Combine this with the tarot whose imagery and spirit direct our brains towards our deepest values and vision, and we have a powerful tool to transform our lives.

I have been offering Luna Flow sessions for the past 2 years and I am always amazed at people’s response. They get it, they use it, and they change.

$110 Luna Flow Class

$350 Luna Flow 1:1

if you would like a 1:1 session for Luna Flow to dive deep into your personal birth chart and how it relates to your inner narrative and life experience you can book this anytime.

If we are doing this on zoom, you must have your own tarot deck, one that resonates with your life and makes you feel like you are looking at aspects of yourself. My favourites for this work are THE GAIAN TAROT by Johanna Powell Colbert, and THE LIGHT SEERS TAROT, by Chris Anne.





Shamanic Methods for treating illness:

Shamanism is an ancient practice of co-creating with spiritual forces to improve ones quality of life. The word itself comes from the Tungus tribe in Siberia and was used to describe a man or woman with a strong relationship with the unseen world. This person would cultivate that relationship through skill building and initiations to serve their community.
The shamanic practice can be very helpful for releasing old blocks and creating a joyful life. It is life long learning and practice for the healer and can be introduced and cultivated as a practice for any student.

A client preparing for shamanic healing needs to be open, relaxed, and receptive to change.

Here are short definitions of some of the traditional shamanic therapies I use. There are many more. Each healing session is approached as a divination and ceremony, so you do not need to decide what kind of healing you would like to have. This is chosen by the helping spirits in the ceremony.

Extraction Healing A spiritual kind of energy healing which removes obstacles and blockages from the energy and emotional bodies. This leads to greater feelings of clarity, movement, and comfort in the body and mind.

Power Animal and Spiritual Guide Retrieval We all have spiritual guides and animals who accompany us throughout our lives serving as our companions and protectors. In today’s culture this is often misunderstood or ignored leading to power loss and loneliness. This ceremony reconnects us to our ancestral guardians bringing much joy and peace to the soul.

Soul Retrieval In times of crises or trauma our souls can become fragmented or detached from the core of our being. This results in soul loss which can have devastating effects such as addictions, dreariness, emptiness, loss of vitality, and direction. Long term soul loss can lead to severe depression, but even mild soul loss can cause a person to loose their way and get stuck in life. Soul retrieval brings back the vitality of the soul to the individual so that they can move forward with their lives.

Compassionate Depossession With soul loss and other traumas, a person’s energy field is weakened. If it is significantly weakened, they may be subject to attachment from suffering beings. Compassionate Deposession releases the Suffering Being from the energy field of the client bringing in much needed relief to both parties. It is a 3 way conversation and group effort where both client and suffering being are treated as clients with respect and compassion. If you feel that you may have a suffering being attached to your energy field, please contact me. Let the Being know that help is on the way and that there is nothing to fear.

Ancestral Healing We are on this planet because somehow in some miraculous way, our ancestors survived. They did what they felt was necessary in order to continue the human species. Since probably the beginning of agriculture, humans have been moving further away from their natural natures. We have done all kinds of amazing things since then, and all kinds of atrocities. In our lives, we have inherited these gifts and burdens and they play out in our bodies and behaviours. Addressing this aspect of our psyche with the help of the compassionate ancestors and helping spirits is a transformative practice. It is tailored to the individual, like all shamanic practices, because it’s about what is inside you that needs healing, forgiveness, and enlivening.

Earth Reconnecting Most humans are suffering from a nature deficit. This does not mean we all have to move to the forest again. But what is does mean is that we must take time out of each day to re-enchant ourselves with the natural world. We can do this by just spending a few minutes each day appreciating the aspects of nature around us -the weather, the moon and starts, the earth under our feet, cracks in the pavement, pigeons, and trees. Nature is everywhere. We are nature. But we need to bring the mindfulness part back in or we quickly forget. Beyond that, there are a multitude of shamanic and eco-soul practices that we can do to deepen that relationship. One of my personal favourites is Nature Journalling.

Why Astrology?

Like shamanism, astrology is an ancient practice. Humans have been looking at the sky for thousands of years to determine rhythms and cycles of support and change. I have never found a more accurate tool to help us understand our lives and the world we live in. Our lives, our karma, our present circumstances, our childhoods…it’s all so complex to make sense of. We never can really pin the meaning down to one thing, as life is fluid and ever changing from one minute to the next. Astrology gives us a place to land and ground ourselves, it shows us that no matter how challenging, no matter how messed up our lives are, there is meaning behind the madness and antidotes to every problem. We actually are our own solution, and astrology shows us that. There are infinite ways to express the birth chart we’ve been given, the great scary secret is that it’s up to us; we get to choose -more than we think actually. For many people in the world, their lives and circumstances are set for them. Right now, in the Western World, we have more freedoms and power than we have had in thousands of years. Our birth charts show us where we can take that power and do something with it for the betterment of our planet and all beings.
